Multiple stem system (Agobiada system)

Multiple stem system (Agobiada system)

  • Countries: Practiced in African and Latin American countries. Here multiple stems are encouraged by bending the main stem ( i.e., Agobiada system
  • In India multiple stem training system is practiced under certain circumstances viz.,

      1) Replanted fields: When old blocks are to be replanted with a new material, the old plants are stumped and converted into multiple stem to yield crops until the new plants come to bearing.
      2) High density planting: Here coffee is planted very closely in the initial years and later thinned out to normal spacing.

  • Here the plants which are to be thinned out ( removed or going plants) are raised on multiple stems for enabling the main plants to spread out their laterals.

Last modified: Tuesday, 8 November 2011, 1:13 PM