• Coffee bean crop on second year wood and hence, require regular pruning.
    Purpose/Principles of pruning in coffee
  • To encourage new growth :

    In coffee by pruning old unproductive wood is removed there by encouraging the growth of new branches. These new branches/growth would become next year cropping wood.

    Benefits of pruning in coffee

    1) Yield regulation : Pruning reduces the risk of overbearing in any of the particular year.

    2) Pest and disease incidence : By pruning there will be better entry of sunlight and air in to the bushes there by minimizing the incidence of pests and diseases.

    3) Manageable shape : By proper pruning the tree is maintained in a manageable shape thereby improving the efficiency of field operations viz., spraying, swabbing, harvesting etc

Last modified: Wednesday, 19 October 2011, 5:42 AM