Differences between box method and basket methods of cocoa fermentation;

Differences between box method and basket methods of cocoa fermentation

    Sl. No.
    Box method
    Basket method
    Minimum Quantity of beans required/Suitability
    Large estates ( 40 to 100 kg)
    Small quantity of beans ( 5 to 10 kg)
    Method used
    Wooden box of 60 cm x 60 cm x 45 cm with reapers at the bottom. 
    Bamboo or cane baskets of suitable size. Banana leaves at the bottom with provision for drainage of sweating.
    Mixing process (To obtain uniform fermentation and to maintain temperature,  moisture and aeration )
    While transferring to next box after 24 hours
    Mixed thoroughly on 3 rd  and 5 th day
  • 20 to 35 kg ripe pods per tree or 100 - 131 pods per plant. Each pod will have 25- 45 beans.
  • Dry beans per plant : around 2 kg In arecanut plantation the population per ha is around 686 plants and it will yield about 6q. dry beans per ha (i,e., about one kg dry beans per tree) High yielding clonal planting materials which have a production potential= 3 kg dry beans/tree.  

Last modified: Friday, 21 October 2011, 5:40 AM