Features of mother bush

Features of mother bush

    1) Compactness: Number of stems per unit area should be high and should be uniformly distributed.
    2) Individual stem should be thick and uniform.
    3) Bushes should have early filling tendency.
    4) Bushes should have lateral spreading habit.
    5) Main stem and primary branches should have upright growth after pruning.
    6) Density of Plucking point/units should be high.
    7) Flushes/leaves should have pubescence.
    8) Bushes should be resistant to blister blight and free from other pests and it should be drought tolerant.
    9) High yield, Yield per unit area of plucking table should be high.
    10) Flowering tendency: Selected bushes should not have flowering tendency.
    11) Bushes should not have too many bhanji buds.

Last modified: Saturday, 22 October 2011, 4:25 AM