Selection of site and establishing tea plantation

Selection of site and establishing tea plantation

    New estate establishment
  • Clearing of forest growth by removing all unwanted plants and leaving only permanent shade trees. Take appropriate steps to prevent soil erosion. General burning is not advocated as it
      1) Makes the soil alkaline and
      2) Reduces the soil fertility
  • Note: If necessary burning is done away from the planting site.
  • Tea bushes will be having an economical life of over 40 years. While selecting sites following precautions should be taken;
      1) Slopy land or hilly terrains or jungles: Take adequate soil conservation measures to protect soil erosion and also moisture conservation.
      2) Soil: Acidic soil with adequate depth, good drainage etc.
      3) Temporary shade trees: Shade has to be provided for young developing plants

Last modified: Saturday, 22 October 2011, 4:29 AM