Purpose of pruning in tea

Purpose of pruning in tea

    Purpose of pruning in tea are:
    1. Space utilization: Shaping trees to make the best use of space between trees. (15,000 plants per ha)

    2. To induce vigor in growth/ to maintain plants permanently in vegetative phase: Re establishment of initial vigour of the shoot system to stimulate growth there by maintaining the plant permanently in vegetative phase.  It stimulates the production of young shoots

    3. To maintain the height of the plucking table: To facilitate convenient hand plucking of young buds with tender leaves and shoots at a cheaper cost. The plucking table continues to rise as the age from pruning advances and pruning assists in keeping the height of the bush within the bounds of easy and efficient plucking.

    4. To remove interlaced (criss cross) branches, dead, diseased, knots and over aged wood. By doing this the bush will be rejuvenated.

    5. To create congenial microclimate within the plant: Providing an environment with in the plant which is conducive for maximum crop production but minimizes the spread of pests and diseases.

    6. To maintain a balanced number of branches and sufficient volume of mature foliage to meet the physiological needs of the plant. There should be optimum balance between actively growing branches and foliage as to meet the physiological needs of plant. There should be an optimum amount of wood so that plants remain in a steady state of productivity.

    7. Drought tolerance : Pruning helps in overcoming the drought effect; it also exposes the bark of frames which had been shaded for a few years.

    8. Maintaining the quality of tea :by rapid renewal of flush suitable for manufacture of good quality tea.

    9. To minimize pest and disease attack on tea bush. 

    10. To pluck maximum number of tea shoots/ leaves from convenient height.

Last modified: Saturday, 22 October 2011, 5:37 AM