Types of shade trees

Types of Shade trees

    Types of shade trees
    • Initial spacing of the shade trees may be about 6m x 6m which can later be thinned out to 12 m x 12m
    • Initially 6 m x 6m ---- reduced to 6m x 12 m at about 8-10 years age ---- reduced to 12 m x12m at the age of 12 to 24 years age.
    1) Permanent shade trees : Have similar longevity as that of tea and hence are planted during planting of tea. They are slow growers.
    Spacing = 12 m x 12m
    Eg : Albizzia spp ( A. odoratissima and A. stipulate, A. procera, A. moluccana and A. chinensis. Albezzia lebbeck , silver oak etc)
    Dalbergia sericea, Dalbergia assamica, Derris robusta etc

    2) Temporary shade trees
    Are fast growing tress planted to provide shade to tea plants during their initial growing period. Planting of temporary shade trees should be planned is such a way that, they will be 18 to 24 months old when the tea is planted.

    Spacing: 6 m x 6m
    Eg : Indigofera teysmani, Glyricidia sepium, Leucaena glauca, Erythrina spp.(E. subumbrans and E. lithosperma.
    In south India (Nilgiri hills) silver oak ( Grevillea robusta) is a shade tree of choice plated at 6 m x 6m and which can later be thinned out as required to 6 m x 12 m or 12 m x 12 m ). When permanent shade trees attain adequate height the temporary ones are removed by gradual lopping and uprooting.

Last modified: Tuesday, 8 November 2011, 10:20 AM