Education and Habilitation Programs

Children With Developmental Challenges 3(2+1)

Lesson 9 : Cerebral Palsy Effects, Diagnosis and Treatment

Education and Habilitation Programs

Both intellectual and physical conditions need to be considered as Cerebral palsy is associated with mental retardation.

Educational classification

  1. TDMR with severe, moderate and mild physical handicaps
  2. TMR with severe, moderate and mild physical handicaps
  3. EMR with severe, moderate and mild physical handicaps
  4. Intellectually average with severe, moderate and mild physical handicaps
  5. Cerebral palsied with adequate intelligence but associated learning difficulties
  6. Children without Cerebral palsy but with learning difficulties resulting from cerebral dysfunction.

Educational facilities

  1. Home instruction
  2. Institutions for mentally retarded
  3. Special schools or classes
  4. Regular school classes
  5. Itinerant or Remedial Teacher program

Educational program

  1. Organization of programs for different ages and levels: Nursery, Kindergartens,
  2. elementary school and secondary school
  3. Adaptation and modification of physical facilities and plant( building) to accommodate children with physical disabilities
  4. Provisions for general educational activities
  5. Special individual and small group remedial instructions for speech, language, reading, writing and arithmetic disabilities.
Last modified: Tuesday, 10 April 2012, 6:24 AM