
Children With Developmental Challenges 3(2+1)

Lesson 19 : Instructional Programmes for MR Children


The services for young children with mental retardation

Services include:

  1. Early intervention - during infancy and early childhood. It is defined as the services and supports rendered to children with disabilities or those who evidence risk factors, younger than 5 and their families. The aim of early intervention is to affect positively the overall development of a child.

  2. Sheltered workshops - are large facilities that provide job training in a segregated environment. The workers typically work on contract jobs that are repetitive in nature and require low skill level.

  3. Supported competitive employment - the mentally retarded child is placed on a competitive job site alongside other workers who are not disabled. A job coach or employment specialist provides on the job assistance and support and support to the worker with retardation.

  4. Giving training on self determination-making decisions about themselves.

  5. Self advocacy: Encouraging mentally retarded people via self help groups to speak out on issues of personal importance such as living arrangements and personal relationships.
Last modified: Thursday, 12 April 2012, 10:47 AM