Characteristics of Autism
Children With Developmental Challenges 3(2+1)
Lesson 25 : Pervasive Developmental Disorders -Autism
Characteristics of Autism
Common characteristics include the following
- Student may have a range in degree of intellectual functioning and any adverse effect on educational performance
- Significant communication/language/ interpersonal skill deficits
- Self stimulate (rocking, hitting self)
- Inappropriate emotions
- Becomes upset with routine or environmental changes
- Becomes frustrated when over-stimulated
Specific characteristics includes
- Communication
- Avoids eye contact
- Acts as if deaf
- Develops language, then abruptly stop talking
- Fails to use spoken language, without compensating by gesture
- Social relationships
- Acts as if unaware of the coming and going of others
- Are inaccessible, as if in a shell
- Fails to seek comfort
- Fails to develop relationships with peers
- Have problems seeing things from another person’s perspective, leaving the child unable to predict or understand other people’s actions
- Physically attacks and injure others without provocation
- Exploration of Environment
- Remains fixated on a single item or activity
- Practices strange actions like rocking or hand-flapping
- Sniffs or lick toys
- Shows no sensitivity to burns or bruises, and engage in self-mutilation
- Are intensely preoccupied with a single subject, activity or gesture
- Shows distress over change
- Insists on routine or rituals with no purpose
- Lacks fear




Last modified: Saturday, 14 April 2012, 7:29 AM