Educational Implications

Children With Developmental Challenges 3(2+1)

Lesson 26 : Communication and Speech Disorders

Educational Implications

Educational implications of Communications Disorders are

  • A strong relationship exists between communication and academic achievement. Language and communication proficiency, along with academic success, depend on whether students can match their communication to the learning-teaching style of the classroom.
  • Students with communication disorders are capable of high academic success if they learn the classroom's social, language, and learning patterns.
  • Teachers and speech-language pathologists should focus their attention on classroom interactions and the language and communications used in the school to help students learn to communicate in these environments.
  • Explicit language and communication planning as well as non-deliberate language use (e.g., unconscious choice of language) are important features of the school and class environments.
Last modified: Saturday, 14 April 2012, 9:44 AM