Tips for Teachers

Children With Developmental Challenges 3(2+1)

Lesson 29 : Children with Specific Learning Disabilities

Tips for Teachers

Learn as much as you can about the different types of LD. Find out and emphasize what the student’s strengths and interests are. Give the student positive feedback and lots of opportunities for practice. Review the student’s evaluation records to identify where specifically the student has trouble. Talk to specialists in your school (e.g., special education teacher) about methods for teaching this student. Provide instruction and accommodations to address the student’s special needs.

Examples include:

  • breaking tasks into smaller steps, and giving directions verbally and in writing;
  • giving the student more time to finish schoolwork or take tests;
  • letting the student with reading problems use textbooks-on-tape
  • letting the student with listening difficulties borrow notes from a classmate or use a tape
  • recorder; and letting the student with writing difficulties use a computer with specialized software that spell checks, grammar checks, or recognizes speech
  • Learn about the different testing modifications that can really help a student with LD show what he or she has learned.
  • Teach organizational skills, study skills, and learning strategies. These help all students but are particularly helpful to those with LD.
  • Work with the student’s parents to create an educational plan tailored to meet the student’s needs.
  • Establish a positive working relationship with the student’s parents. Through regular communication, exchange information about the student’s progress at school.
  • Capitalize on the student’s strengths
  • Provide high structure and clear expectations
  • Use short sentences and a simple vocabulary
  • Provide opportunities for success in a supportive atmosphere to help build self-esteem
  • Allow flexibility in classroom procedures (e.g., allowing the use of tape recorders for note-taking and teat-taking when students have trouble with written language).
  • Make use of self-correcting materials, which provide immediate feedback with out embarrassment
  • Use computers for drill and practice and teaching word processing.
  • Provide positive reinforcement of appropriate social skills at school and home
  • Recognize that students with learning disabilities can greatly benefit from the gift of time to grow and mature.
Last modified: Tuesday, 17 April 2012, 6:24 AM