Salient Features of Seed Plot Technique
Potato seed crop is planted in first week of October in western Indo-Gangetic plains and a week to fortnight later in the central and eastern Indo-Gangetic plains using indexed (virus free) seed tubes.
This provides enough time for growth and bulking (75-85 days) before critical aphid levels are reached in respective regions.
Closely spaced seed tubers in moderately rich soil and use of optimum dose of NPK ensure high percentage of medium size tubers in the produce.
The growing seed crop is inspected at least twice in early growth and again before haulm cutting to rogue out unhealthy and off type plants.
The haulms are pulled, cut or destroyed by chemical sprays before aphid population reaches critical level (20 aphids per 100 leaves).
This prevents spread of viral diseases in the seed stocks.
The crop is harvested and heaped in cool place for further curing of the tuber skin.
After grading and packing, the produce is shifted to cold store in March.
The period of about 6 weeks between harvest and cold storing helps in overcoming apical dominance and ensures multiple sprouts in seed during next planting.
Last modified: Tuesday, 8 November 2011, 8:37 AM