Moderately warm climate is ideal (21 to 26.7oC) Temperature less than 20oC effects tuber formation. For tuber formation 25 to 300C is ideal.
Even slight frost kills the foliage.
It requires plenty of sun shine and moderate rain fall.
A well distributed annual rainfall between 75 and 150 cm is favourable.
High rain fall and long photo period (16 hr) promote vine growth and reduces tuber yield.
Tuber yield, number of tubers and total biological yield were promoted by 9 hr light.
It can be grown from 400N to 320S and on equator up to an altitude of 2200 meters.
Sweet potato is a drought tolerant crop and gives good yield without irrigation in semi-arid regions.
However, yield is more when rain is received during early part of growing season.
Last modified: Tuesday, 8 November 2011, 8:45 AM