

    Scientific name: Elettaria cardamomum
    Family : Zingiberaceae
    English name : Small cardamom, Lesser cardamom, Malabar cardamom.
    Indian name :Chhoti Elaichi(Hindi), Yelakki(Kannada), Elathari (Malayalam), Ela (Sanskrit), Yelakkai, Elakkai (Tamil), Yealakkayulu, Elakkayi (Telugu)
    Distribution : India, Sri Lanka, Guatemala, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Tanzania.
    Uses : Flavouring agent in cooking, confectionery.
    • The true 'Cardamom' of commerce is the dried capsules In medicine, it is used as a powerful aromatic stimulant, carminative, stomachic and diuretic and it is also reported to be a cardiac stimulant. A good nasal application is prepared by using extracts of cardamom, neem and myrobalan along with animal fat and camphor. Cardamom seeds are chewed to prevent a bad smell in mouth, indigestion, nausea and vomiting due to morning sickness, pyrosis, etc. Gargling with an infusion of cardamom and cinnamon cures pharyngitis, sore throat, and hoarseness during infective stage of flu.
    • The powdered seeds of cardamom boiled with tea and water impart a very pleasant aroma to tea, and the same can be used as a medicine for scanty urination, diarrhoea, dysentery, palpitation of the heart, and exhaustion due to overwork, depression, etc.
    • Eating cardamom once every day, with a tablespoon of honey improves the eyesight, strengthens the nervous system and keeps the body healthy. It is also believed by some people that excessive use of cardamom causes impotency.
    • Cheaper grade materials like thrips-damaged capsules and splits, which otherwise do not fetch a good price in the market, are used for the production of the essential oil. Of the three varieties of cardamom, viz. Coorg greens, Saklespur bleached and Alleppey greens, the Alleppey greens produce a higher percentage of oil and is mild with a sweet odour due to the presence of linalool and linelyl acetate to the extent of about 10%, while, in the oil of Coorg greens these components are less and it has a harsher camphoraceous odour. The oil content of the Indian Cardamom is higher than that of the Sri Lanka Cardamom. The essential oil is used for flavouring certain bitters and liquors and in the manufacture of perfumes. The oleoresin has similar applications to essential oil, but it is less used. The oil and the oleoresin also find use in the preparation of aromatic, stimulant, stomachic and diuretic tinctures

Last modified: Saturday, 10 March 2012, 1:22 PM