
Entrepreneurship in Childcare Services 4 (2+2)

Lesson 30 : Evaluation of child care services and programmes


Evaluation is an ongoing process. An evaluation can take the form of an analysis of a person’s behavior, an administrative procedure. Some components of an early childhood education program in terms of its usefulness or worth need to be evaluated.

Evaluation that is planned during the early stages of program development facilitates the assessment and notifies everyone from the start, how the evaluation will be conducted.

Evaluation is a way to note and celebrate progress. The entrepreneur usually conducts staff evaluations, staff evaluate other employees whom they supervise. Often parents are asked to give their opinions about the center, its personnel and its operation.
The evaluator uses the goals of the center as the basis for making judgments about what is valuable in the program.

The evaluation process also concentrates on two aspects like summarizing the data collected and analyzing and using the data for improving the quality of the programme.

Last modified: Friday, 10 February 2012, 10:27 AM