Manures and Fertilizers

Manures and Fertilizers

  • A crop yielding 13.25 q/ha requires 118 kg N, 17.39 kg P and 94.36 kg K. The crop responds to both organic and inorganic fertilisers. The fertilisers should be applied at the rate of 40 + 35 + 15 kg NPK per hectare at the time of sowing. In hilly areas, it is recommended to apply 45 + 35 + 10 kg NPK per hectare. In acidic soils, especially in rice growing areas, lime should be applied atleast 30 days ahead of sowing. In the North Bank plains and the upper Brahmaputra valley zone, Borax should be applied to the soil @ 10 kg/ha.
Last modified: Thursday, 8 March 2012, 1:45 PM