

    Construction of Bareja or Boroj
  • Barejas are normally made on raised slightly slopy land. It is constructed with locally-available materials-bamboo, jute sticks, straw etc. Its shape may be square or rectangular with a height of 2-2.5m. Usually a wide passage (0. 5-1. Om) is provided inside along the wall of the bareja. The walls and top of the bareja are covered with thatching material like leaves of coconut, wild datepalm, sugarcane, straw, grass and jute stick. It should be constructed near a source of irrigation. The site must be at a higher level than the adjoining area. There must be a slope in all directions for a quick drainage of excess water.
    Raising of support plant in open cultivation
  • Plants of Sesbania grandiflora, S. sesban, Erythrina variegata and Moringa oleifera are raised to provide support and shade. They are sown in 45-60cm rows at least 45 days before planting the cuttings of betelvine. The proper wind break, quick growing freely branching and non competing crops are to be raised all along the border of the betelvine garden. Coconut, jack fruit, casurina, silver oak are grown for this purpose.
Last modified: Monday, 18 June 2012, 5:38 AM