Present Status of Indian Forest
Present Status of Indian Forests (2009)
- The forest cover of the country as per 2007 assessment is 690,899km2/69.09 mha which is 21.02 percent of the geographical area of the country.
- Very dense forest constitutes 83,510 km2/ 8.35 million ha (2.54%),
- The moderately dense forest 319,012 km2/ 31.90 million ha (9.71%) and
- Open forest constitutes 288.377 km2/28.84 million ha (8.77%)
- The scrub accounts for 41,525 km2/4.15 million ha (1.26%).
- Mangrove: 4639 km2/0.46 million ha (0.14%)
- Excluding the area (18.31 million ha) above tree line, the forest cover of the country comes of 22.26 per cent
- Reportedly, hills and tribal districts, especially the North-Eastern (NE) states, contributed significantly to this increase.
- Madhya Pradesh has largest area under forest cover followed by Arunachal Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Orissa and Maharashtra
- Mizoram has maximum proportion of geographic area under forest cover followed by Nagaland
- North-East region accounts for 25.11 per cent of forest cover
- Native forests in India are disappearing at a rate of up to 2.7 per cent per year
- Very dense forest - All lands with tree cover of canopy density of 70% and above
- Moderately dense forest - All lands with tree cover of canopy density between 40% and 70%
- Open forest - All lands with tree cover of canopy density between 10% and 40%
- Scrub - Degraded forest lands with canopy density less than 10%
- Non-forest – Any area not included in the above classes
 Plate 2.3 Pictorial illustration of different forest covers
Last modified: Thursday, 2 August 2012, 10:03 AM