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Agroforestry Systems Based Arrangement of Components
The arrangement of components gives first priority to the plants. even in AF systems involving animals, their management according to definite plan, say a rotational grazing scheme, gives precedence to the plants over the animals. Such plants arrangements in multispecies combinations involve the dimensions of space and time. Spatial arrangement:- An extreme form of the zonal arrangement is the boundary planting of trees on edges of plots for fruits, fodder, fuel wood, fencing, soil protection and windbreak.
An extreme term of macrozonal arrangement can laid to sole cropping system but the interactions association of different components can be used criteria to decide like limits between zonal AF and sole crop (component) plots. Temporal arrangement
– Coincident:
When two components woody and non woody occupy the land together as coffee under shade tree and pasture under shade trees
– Concomitant:
When two components woody or non woody stays together for some part of life as in taungya
– Intermittent (Space dominated):
When annual crops are grown with perennial crops such as paddy with coconut
– Interpolated (Space and time dominant):
When different components occupy space during different time as in home garden
– Overlapping Black pepper and rubber
– Separate (time-dominant): When components occupy space during separate time such as improved fallow species in shifting cultivation Plate 4.1 Arrangement of components in agroforestry systems |