IDRC Canada (1975), commissioned John Bene to undertake the study to:
- Identify significant gaps in world forestry research and training
- Assess the interdependence of forestry and agriculture in low income tropical countries and propose research leading to optimization of land use
- Formulate forestry research programs which promise to yield results of considerable economic and social impact on developing countries
- Recommend institutional arrangements to carry out such research effectively and expeditiously
- Prepare a plan of action to obtain international donor support
Bene concluded that
- First priority should be given to the combined production system which would integrate forestry, agriculture, and/or animal in order to optimize the land use
- Research project carried earlier were unplanned and haphazard
- Need for establishment of international organization which would support, plan, and coordinate, on a world-wide basis, research combining the agriculture and forestry
- The systematic research in agroforestry geared up after establishment of International Council for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) in 1977 and the ancient practice of AF was instutionalized for the first time.
- Renamed as The International Centre for Research in AF (ICRAF) in 1991
- Now known as World Agroforestry Centre (WAC)
- IGFRI, CSWCRTI, CRIDA, CAZRI, ICAR complex for NE region started agroforestry research in 1960-70s
- In seventh five year plan (1985-90) NCA emphasis importance of AF and it was introduced to agriculture syllabus at that time.
- Organised research in agroforestry was initiated during VI plan period in 1983 with start of All India Coordinated Research Project for Agroforestry (AICRP(AF)) project at 20 centres (State centres at Agricultural Universities- 12 and ICAR Research Institutes-8).
- Recognizing importance NRCAF was proposed in seventh five year plan
- In VII plan 11 more centres at SAUs were added in the project.
- After inclusion of 2 new centres at TNVASU, Kattupakkam and IGKV, Raipur during the VIlIth plan total 33 regular centres are working besides 5 voluntary centres.
- The total number of centres engaged in agroforestry coordinated project is 39 (33 regular, 5 voluntary and I PC unit).
Last modified: Monday, 16 January 2012, 5:19 AM