Nursery technique
- Sowing is done in February-March in well prepared nursery beds.
- The spacing adopted is 20 cm between the lines and 2 cm between the seeds in the lines.
- Regular watering and plant protection measures to be ensured.
Planting technique
a) Polybag plants:
- A pit of 30cm3 is prepared with a spacing of 3m × 3m about 2 months in advance
- Planting is done in the month of July
- Polythene container must be removed at the time of planting
b) Ball of the earth planting:
- The taproot is cut at a depth of 25-30cm at the time of uprooting of seedling
- Splitting or bruising tap root is avoided
- Transplanting of seedling is done in rainy season as winter entire transplant are failure
c) Stump planting:
- Stumps are prepared from 12-15 month old seedling
- The root and shoot portion should be 23-31cm and 2.5 to 5.0cm respectively.
- Stump less than 1cm collar diameter give poor survival
- Stump can be stored for 3 days
- Planting of stump should be done in the onset of monsoon
Silviculture system for management
The best system under which khair is managed is the clear felling followed by artificial regeneration. Disease
Ganoderma lucidum causes root rot disease with considerable mortality in khair plantation raised after clearfelling.
Economic importance
- Heartwood is mainly used for katha extraction
- Timber is mainly used for agriculture implements
- Small branches for fuel-wood
- Leaves as fodder for goats
- Gum is also important product obtained from Acacia catechu and regarded as the best substitute for the gum-arabic
Last modified: Tuesday, 22 May 2012, 8:05 AM