- It is not adequate in general.
- Scattered seeds may germinate especially in abandoned areas etc.
- Weeds retard the growth of the seedlings.
- The seedlings may attain a height of 0.6m or more in the first season and 1.20 m or more in the second season if they are regularly weeded and watered.
- It can be raised easily through direct sowing, planting out of entire plants or stump planting or poly bag container plants.
Seed collection and storage:
- Plant begins to yield seed when about 8-10 years of age
- Ripe pods are collected in the month of March-April
- Seed is separated from edible pulp by washing with water then dried and stored
- Fully grown tree produce 2 quintal of fruits per season
- Individual pods contains 3-10 seeds
- Seeds are sown in March-April in irrigated nursery in lines about 20-25cm apart.
- No pre-treatment of the seed is necessary.
- Germination starts in about a week and takes about a month to complete
- Seedlings attain plantable size by the July when they are about 3-4 months old and attain a height of 30-40cm.
Direct Sowing:
- It is done in lines or patches.
- Depth of sowing is about 1.5cm.
- The lines are spaced at 4-5 m apart and the seeds are sown 10cm apart.
- About 20 kg of seed is required to sow one hectare area.
- It gives 80% survival against transplants 60%.
Planting technique:
- Planting is done at the commencement of rainy season during July-August.
- The pit size of 30cm3 is recommended for planting
- The plants should be protected through fencing
Stump planting:
- It is carried out in 30 cm3 pits in rainy season.
- It gives 42% survival.
- It is done with soft terminal cuttings.
- The cuttings are prepared with current year’s shoots and it is collected with new leaves flush early in the morning in turgid condition.
- Cuttings are treated with 1000ppm IBA in 50% Isopropyl alcohol as quick dip for second then transfer to polypropylene tubets
Economic importance:
- The chief value of this tree lies in its fruits which are used for various types of food preparations and sherbets.
- The wood is used for carving.
- It makes an ideal avenue tree by virtue of its shade, ornamental flowers and longevity (200years or more).
Last modified: Friday, 19 October 2012, 8:01 AM