Strip Plot Design


Strip Plot Design

    This design is also known as split block design. When there are two factors in an experiment and both the factors require large plot sizes it is difficult to carryout the experiment in split plot design. Also the precision for measuring the interaction effect between the two factors is higher than that for measuring the main effect of either one of the two factors. Strip plot design is suitable for such experiments.
    In strip plot design each block or replication is divided into number of vertical and horizontal strips depending on the levels of the respective factors.
    Table Replication 2
    In this design there are plot sizes.
    1. Vertical strip plot for the first factor – vertical factor
    2. Horizontal strip plot for the second factor – horizontal factor
    3. Interaction plot for the interaction between 2 factors
    The vertical strip and the horizontal strip are always perpendicular to each other.The interaction plot is the smallest and provides information on the interaction of the 2 factors. Thus we say that interaction is tested with more precision in strip plot design

Last modified: Wednesday, 1 February 2012, 4:45 PM