Intelligence according to Piaget is a ‘basic life function that helps the organism adapt to its environment’.
Tailor education according to children’s readiness to learn appropriate learning experiences built on existing schemas.
Piaget stresses that children profit most from moderately novel educational experiences that stimulate their curiosity, challenge their current understandings and enable them to re-evaluate what they already know.
If the experiences are too complex, students are unable to assimilate and there is no new learning taking place.
Be sensitive to individual differences as rate of intelligence differs from child to child. Should plan activities for individual children and for small groups rather than the whole class.
Promote discovery based education – Piaget criticized traditional educational programmes for relying too much heavily on passive verbal forms of instruction.
Young children being inquisitive learn best when they act directly on events, probing objects and participating in situations that allow them to construct new knowledge for themselves.