Emotional health and maturity in adolescence

Life Span Development II: School age and Adolescence 3 (2+1)

Lesson 19 : Emotional Maturity and adjustment during Adolescence

Emotional health and maturity in adolescence

Emotional health: An emotionally healthy person accepts his right to be human. He can

  • Expresses normal anger/fear without feeling guilty about it.
  • Discriminate to show emotions appropriately.
  • Control his emotions (emotions don’t control him).
  • Experience inner freedom derived from confidence and utilizes emotions properly.
  • Discriminate between positive and negative aspects of emotions.
  • Recognize that mild fear, worry and anxiety may be stimulants to right actions.
  • Avoid excessive tension that paralyzes action.

Emotional maturity is characterized by readaptation of solutions to meet changing demands and establishment of relationship between self and environment. It permits a manner of self-actualization taking into account of social welfare and external realties. Emotions appear in patterns varying with situations.

Last modified: Tuesday, 13 December 2011, 1:23 PM