Types of Certification

Types of Certification

Foreign Certification

  • The inspection and certification of export oriented organic projects in developing countries are certified by the certification bodies based in importing countries.
  • The main disadvantage is that costs of certification are high due to frequent plane trips and Western salaries.


  • Local branch officers of Western Certification programmes conduct inspection along with local inspection staff who speak local languages and familiar with local conditions.
  • However, inspection work is supervised by the Head Office. This reduces number of plane trips.

Indigenous Certification

  • Indigenous certification bodies can usually offer cheaper inspection fees as less traveling is required and only local salaries have to be covered.
  • They support the development of domestic markets.
  • For export to the European Union (EU) market, a certificate from a certification body, which is accepted by EU competent authorities is essential.
  • To regulate the export of certified organic products, the Director General of Foreign Trade, Government of India has issued a public notice according to which no certified organic products may be exported unless they are certified by an inspection and certifying agency duly accredited by one of the accreditation agencies designated by Government of India.
Last modified: Tuesday, 8 November 2011, 10:05 AM