Total programme evaluation

Lesson 16:Monitoring and Evaluation of ECCE programmes

Total programme evaluation

The programme goals of the center, and the programme itself, are designed to meet the particular needs that the center was established to meet. Consequently, at evaluation time, the needs, the goals, and the programme are evaluated. A widely used center-evaluation tool is the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale. Seven areas are covered in separate subscales. These are personal care routines, furnishings, and display for children, language-reasoning experiences, fine and gross motor activities, creative activities, social development and adult needs.

  • Summarizing Data: The director is responsible for summarizing the data that is collected from all aspects 'of the evaluation process showing the progress (or regression) since the last evaluation rather than focusing solely on the present performance level. The summary should provide a clear data picture for the reader and should reflect accurately the facts, ideas, and opinions provided by those who participated.
  • Analyzing and Using the Data: The director or a designated committee uses the summary to cull out information. Once the data have been analyzed, the director prepares a report for the funding agency, the board and the other people or groups to whom the center is responsible. This type of report is usually prepared annually, although interim reports may be compiled.

Last modified: Thursday, 20 October 2011, 10:02 AM