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Current course
26 February - 4 March
5 March - 11 March
12 March - 18 March
19 March - 25 March
26 March - 1 April
2 April - 8 April
9 April - 15 April
16 April - 22 April
23 April - 29 April
30 April - 6 May
Low temperature storage (Refrigeration/cold storage)
Low temperature storage is the best known, effective and most widely used method for extending the storage life and long terms storage of fruits, vegetables and flowers. In post harvest technology, “temperature management is the most important aspect to be looked after to maintain quality, reduce losses and extend the storage life of these perishable commodities. Cold storage is a system with thermal insulation and refrigeration in which perishables commodities can be stored for a set period of time under controlled conditions of temperature and humidity.
Last modified: Thursday, 15 December 2011, 5:26 AM