Phytophthora rot

Phytophthora rot

    Phytophthora rot
    Causal organism: Pytophthora palmivora
    Phytophthora rot appears as small, water soaked lesions on fruit surface. Gradually, such lesions become deeper and sunken causing rotting of inner tissues. Subsequently, it produces white coating that comprising of sporangio phore and sporangia and covers all external surface of the ripened fruits.
    Mycelium is aseptate, asexual spores are zoospores borne in sporangia.
    Epidemiology: It prefers cool weather and usually invades mature, damaged or senescent tissues. Maximum decay occurs at 180 c and relative humidity of 100%.

    phytophthora rot

Last modified: Monday, 23 January 2012, 7:54 AM