
Textile Science and Care 3(2+1)

Lesson 11 : Textile Care Labels


Hangtags printed-paper tags, may be hung from the garment by plastic staple, barb, adhesives or string. Hangtags are designed to draw attention to the garment and are hung on the side of the garment so that the customer can see them easily. These are detachable "signs," on the garments. They are often hung from buttons, buttonholes, zippers, belt loops, or underarm seams. They are removed before garments are worn.

In general, hangtags tell consumers what manufacturers want to say about their products. Much of that information is voluntary (not required by law). Hangtags are a form of advertising or promotion to help sell products. Information about performance features, special finishes, reinforced pockets, adjustable button cuffs, reversibility, etc. is usually provided on hangtags. Symbols and logos are often displayed to identify the designers, manufacturers, or sellers. Sometimes a certification or seal of approval tells of good test results from a lab. Guarantees may assure replacement or money refunded if items do not perform satisfactorily.


Last modified: Tuesday, 29 May 2012, 6:01 AM