Having gone through the various steps in planning information material you are now aware that the script or writing is a very important aspect of information material that is designed for your extension work.
In this class you are going to learn about techniques of good writing, so that the farmers/ farm women understand the message clearly. Although this class teaches about writing in English, the basics of writing in any language will remain the same. That is writing should be simple and clear so that the reader does not have to take trouble to understand the message.
Writing in other words means communication. Communication for conveying ideas and feelings from one mind to another mind. Even with activities like taking down notes are recording incidents in personal diaries; one is still writing to communicate i.e. to communicate with your future self.
Most writing is a private activity but a public service. Be it a report or a protest letter, the writing will become the reading matter of someone else, that is your private words will go public. The ABCs of good writing are
Accuracy, Appropriateness, Audience, Avoidance of ambiguity
Brevity or conciseness, Brightness
Correctness (of usage of grammar), Clarity, Consistency, Concreteness