Boldface or italics should normally not be used for continuous text. However, the information designer can also use boldface and italics for emphasis of parts of a text. The use of underlining and all capital letters should be restricted to headings and titles, if they are used at all. Usually bold and italics are quite sufficient. Underlining in the middle of a sentence makes the lower line more difficult to read. Shadow and outline letters should be avoided. Indents are the distance between the beginning of a line and the left margin. Paragraphs may be indented and/or separated with extra space. Indenting of the first sentence of each paragraph, so called “first line indents,” improves legibility, as well as comprehension of printed materials. Indenting of every sentence will, however, slow down reading speed.
Attention to Text
In order to attract and hold attention to texts in information materials the information designer can:
Use headings with words that will catch the attention of the receiver.
Set headings in different type versions to get attention.
Use italics, boldface or colour to get attention.
Headings should always be relevant and identify the subject matter. The purposes of headings are to attract the attention of the readers, make the subject matter readily apparent, and indicate the relative importance of different items in the document. Therefore lines should not be too short, or too wide.