The Family as a Functional Unit

Lesson 11:Basic concepts of Rural Sociology

The Family as a Functional Unit

Every association of people; it be a state, a nation, or a tribe -- has its own distinctive culture, its modes of living and thought, which are developed as a response to the peculiar circumstances of the environment, natural and ideological. Family is the agency through which the impressionable rising generation is made familiar with such traditions. It teaches the individual what situations to anticipate, how to behave and what behaviour to expect, by giving one the gifts of language and dress which integrate within one’s cultural ethos. It facilitates adjustment to people and groups outside the family circle.
Family plays an important role in transmission of the cultural traditions from one generation to another. It acts as an educative unit and a socio-cultural agency. The importance of this aspect lies in the fact that children all over the world get their earliest instruction in the family beginning with language.

The main functions of family are
  1. Procreation- Reproduction is the main function of any society, either socially or in a biological way, or both.
  2. Providing sustenance and care of dependants especially children and the aged.
  3. It acts as an educative unit and a socio-cultural agency. The importance of this aspect lies in the fact that children all over the world get their earliest instruction in the family beginning with language. Furnishing education for the young, thus passing down the accumulated knowledge, traditions, values and techniques. Family plays an important role in transmission of the cultural traditions from one generation to another.
    • Furnishing status to the family members
    • It teaches the individual what situations to anticipate, how to behave and what behaviour to expect, by giving one the gifts of language and dress which integrate within one’s cultural ethos.
    • It facilitates adjustment to people and groups outside the family circle.
    • Providing cooperative interaction necessary for production or earning a living, Consumption, recreation, worship and companionship.
Last modified: Tuesday, 1 November 2011, 10:27 AM