Classification of groups


Classification of groups

  • Primary group and Secondary group
    1. Primary groups are characterized by intimate face to face interaction, informal personal relationships and a strong we feeling on the part of the members. Primary groups have a set of permanency are small in size and have the responsibility to socialize the individuals. Ex: Family
    2. Secondary groups are characterized by formal, contractual, utilitarian and goal oriented relationships. Secondary groups are large in size and have little face to face communication and maintain more or less anonymous relationships. Ex: Political party, Cooperative Society.

  • Formal and Informal Groups
    1. Formal groups are organized, have a membership roll, definite roles, rules or procedures of operation and rigidly enforced behavior of the members. Ex: Panchayaths
    2. Informal groups are not formally organized and rules and procedures are not rigidly enforced
      Ex: Friendship groups, play groups

  • Involuntary and Voluntary groups
    1. Involuntary groups are those groups in which the individual has no choice or choice is not required for membership. Ex: Membership by birth-family, community
    2. Voluntary groups are those where the individual has membership with deliberate choice. Ex: youth club.

  • In-group and Out group
    1. An in group is one to which the person feel they belong and with which they identify themselves strongly. Not only they themselves, but others also feel them to be an integral part of the group. Matters of vital interest to the group are confined within the group.
    2. An out group is one with which other individuals cannot identify themselves. The individuals feel themselves as outsiders to the group and the group also reciprocates the same towards the individual. Matters of vital interest are not shared with the out group members.

Last modified: Tuesday, 1 November 2011, 10:14 AM