News of crime

Lesson 8 : News Stories – Types

News of crime

There are several types of crime news murders, fires, accidents, burglaries, fund, and black mail, kid napping etc.

  1. Homicides
    In case of a major murder, the reporter should rush to the scene as soon as possible and gather all the relevant facts. Their dependence on public information often hampers their search for truth. In reporting dowry deaths or alleged dowry deaths, the reporter should retrain from leveling uncorroborated statement by one party or the other.

  2. Fires
    The reporter must get his facts correct about the essential elements of a fire story the number of person killed or injured. The extent of damage, to property, the loss of valuables. He should question eye –witnesses about any act of bravery or cowardice. All these are essential ingredients of a fire story.

  3. Accidents
    Most accidents are reported on the basis of police bulletins or information supplied by police spokes men however, wherever possible the crime reporter must rush to the scene of major accidents to give authenticity to his story.
Last modified: Tuesday, 3 January 2012, 11:52 AM