Constitutional law of press freedom

Lesson 14 : Press Laws

Constitutional law of press freedom

India is one of those countries which guarantee their citizens the right to freely express themselves. The Indian Constitution guarantees fundamental freedoms, and the 'freedom of speech and expression' is the first among them.
Article 19(1) of the constitution reads: all citizens shall have the right to:

  1. Freedom of speech and expression;
  2. Assemble peacefully and without arms;
  3. Form associations and millions;
  4. Move freely throughout the territory of India;
  5. Reside and settle in any part of the territory of India;
  6. Practice any profession of to carryon any occupation, trade or business.
Thus all Indian citizens enjoy a constitutional right & give free expression to their views, opinions, and convictions. They, have for this, purpose, the right to seek.
Last modified: Thursday, 5 January 2012, 5:37 AM