Techniques of PRA

Lesson 31 : Techniques of Participatory Rural Appraisal

Techniques of PRA

There are many methods and techniques for participatory appraisal, which can be used at all levels of project formulation and implementation. These techniques are used according to the size of the client group, location, time, situation and other characteristics of the participants. Also, a set of techniques which are most appropriate for the project context are selected. The central part of any PRA is semi-structured interviewing. While sensitive topics are often better addressed in interviews with individuals, other topics of more general concern are amenable to focus group discussions and community meetings. During these interviews and discussions, several diagrammatic techniques are frequently used to stimulate debate and record the results. Many of these visuals are not drawn on paper but on the ground with sticks, stones, seeds, and other local materials, and then transferred to paper for a permanent record. Some important tools used for PRA are depicted in the figure.

  1. Structured Direct Observation
  2. Semi-Structured Interview (SSI)
Last modified: Tuesday, 24 January 2012, 9:43 AM