Minor disease

Minor disease

    Pink disease
    Causal organism: Pellicularia salmonicolor ( Berk. & Br.) Dastur
    • A number of fine, silky threads packed into a thin film appear first on stem. It is found on leaves. Fungus forms pink fructifications over infected stems.
    • Young branches on the outside of the bush lose their leaves and die-back.
    • The pink concentrations crack into small fractions at right angles.
    • They are generally confined to lower side of branches. Bark killed in patches.
    • When the branch increase in thickness, it grows only in areas where bark is dead. So branch becomes irregularly swollen.Pink tissue becomes white when old.
    • Basidiospores are wind-borne.
    • The disease first appears on border was adjacent to jungles. Addition of potash in the soil promotes recovery. Very difficult to eradicate by removing of infected plants.

Last modified: Monday, 13 February 2012, 11:52 AM