Cercospora leaf spot

Cercospora leaf spot

    Causal Organism: Cercospora atropa
    • Round to angular, brown spots with chestnut colored margins appear on both sides of the leaves.
    • The conidiophores produced on the spots are olive brown and tuft whip like.
    • Multicellulars conidia can be seen on the conidiophores.
    • Septate mycelia, Inter and intra cellular haustoria .
    • Asexual spores: Conidia
    • Sexual spores: Ascospores
    • Vegetative structure: Dorment Mycelia
    • Primary Source of Inoculum: Dormant mycelia.
    • Secondary Source of Inoculum: Air borne conidia.
    • Warm weather, 30-32°C.
    • Relative Humidity 85-90%.
    • Poor nutritional management.
    • Susceptible Host.
    Life Cycle

    • Select healthy plot and use healthy planting material.
    • Fallow crop rotation with non host crop.
    • Application of biological agents (Trichoderma spp.)
    • Spray mancozeb (0.25%).

Last modified: Friday, 22 June 2012, 1:06 PM