
Lesson 17 and 18 : Arches


An arch is a structure which is constructed to span across an opening. It generally consists of small wedge-shaped units which are joined together with mortar. An arch may be defined as mechanical arrangement of wedge – shaped blocks of stones or bricks mutually supporting each other and supported at the end by piers, or abutments like lintels. The function of an arch is to carry the weight of the structure above the opening. Because of their shape, the blocks support each other by the mutual pressure of their own weight and the structure remains in position by the resistance from the support. However, arches made of steel and RCC are built in single units and they are used for bridge construction.

Arches are constructed where loads are heavy, span is more, strong abutment is available and special architectural appearance is required.

Last modified: Saturday, 21 April 2012, 11:17 AM