Leaf Blight

Leaf Blight

    Causal organism: Alternaria spp.
    • It is a weak parasite affects on older leaves.
    • The infection starts with the minute dots on the leaf with irregular chlorotic areas on the tip portion of the leaves , then circular to oblong concentric black velvety rings appear in the chloroted area.
    • Then the lesions develop towards the base of the leaf. Many spots coalesce and spread quickly to the entire leaf area leading to blight.
    • Sometime a yellow hollow develops around each lesion.
    • As disease advances, spot size increases and complete blightening takes place and leaves gradually die from the tip downward.
    Mode of spread
    • They spread mainly through air born spores.
    • Prophylactic sprays with Mancozeb 0.25 % gives good control of the disease.
    • Warm weather with humid condition caused by rain or heavy due helps in the spread of the disease and is favorable for the development of the conidia.
    • Primary Source of Inoculum: Dormant mycelia,
    • Secondary Source of Inoculum: Air borne conidia.
    • The optimum Temperature for the development of disease is 28 to 320C
    • Relative humidity is 85 to 90 %.
    • Nutritionally poor soil, Susceptible host favours the disease.
    • Recommended NPK & FYM application.
    • Use disease free planting material.
    • The disease can be controlled by three foliar sprays with Mancozeb 0.25 %.
    • Use of biological agents like Trichoderma viridae.

Last modified: Thursday, 1 March 2012, 7:50 AM