Selection of a suitable air conditioning system depends on

Commercial Interior Space Designing-II 4(1+3)

Lesson 7:Technical Services for commercial buildings

Selection of a suitable air conditioning system depends on

  1. Capacity, performance and spatial requirements
  2. Initial and running costs
  3. Required system reliability and flexibility
  4. Maintainability
  5. Architectural constraints

The relative importance of the above factors varies from building owner to owner and may vary from project to project. The typical space requirement for large air conditioning systems may vary from about 4 percent to about 9 percent of the gross building area, depending upon the type of the system. Normally based on the selection criteria, the choice is narrowed down to 2 to 3 systems, out of which one will be selected finally.

Non-Air Conditioning Methods: Eliminating indoor air pollution has also become a concern of air conditional designers. This goes beyond simple air conditioning. Such techniques as filtration of air particles, fresh air renewal, smell elimination and chemical contaminants removal are all under evaluation. Because most indoor environments contains five times the pollution discovered outdoors, designers are steadily researching ways to make the environment of commercial buildings as green as possible.

Special Zones: To avoid a law suit for an unsafe work environment, managers or business owners must make sure the appropriate air conditional units. For example, an overheated work place can cause employees to experience a number of heat-related symptoms, including heat fatigue, heat exhaustion and heat stroke, which will require immediate medical treatment. Heat strokes could result in loss of consciousness, confusion and irrational behavior. However, by installing the proper commercial cooling system and provision of smoke zone such problems can be avoided.

Last modified: Monday, 19 December 2011, 6:26 AM