Conditional Transfer Scheme (Cash and Non-cash)

Women in Agriculture

Lesson 12 : Programmes for Girl Child -1

Conditional Transfer Scheme (Cash and Non-cash)

In order to enable the poor families to consciously retain their daughters, they would require financial incentives and other non cash assistance. It is with this intention that an innovative scheme of Conditional Cash and non cash Transfer Scheme’ is proposed, wherein cash and non cash transfers will be provided to the family of the girl child (preferably the mother) on fulfilling certain conditionalities, for the girl child - such as birth and registration of the girl child, immunization; enrollment to school; retention in school; and delaying the marriage age beyond 18 years. This will be in addition to the various incentives, which already exists for girl child given by the Centre and the States.

The objective of the Scheme is two fold – the direct and tangible objective is to provide a set of staggered financial incentives for families to encourage them to retain the girl child and educate her etc; the more subtle and intangible objective is to change the attitudinal mindset of the family towards the girl- by linking cash and non cash transfers to her well being. This will force the families to look upon the girl as an asset rather then a liability since her very existence has led to cash inflow to the family.

Last modified: Wednesday, 6 June 2012, 10:04 AM