Various gender Issues

Women in Agriculture

Lesson 28 : Gender Issues

Various gender Issues

  1. Feminization of agriculture
    • The role of women is increasing in agriculture
    • Female to male farmers percentage rouse from 14 to 32
    • Significantly high and growing population of women headed population
    • Active role in many operations
    • Shifting of certain roles originally being played by men, to women

  2. Overburden of work

    Women, when compared to men are working for

    • more numbers of hours
    • more laborious work
    • more number of days

  3. Constraints in accessing of resources
    • Lack of access to land
    • Lack of access to training
    • Lack of marketing infrastructure and other facilities

  4. Facilities and support services
    • Female labour lack drinking water, sanitation and other facilities at their work place
    • Support services are as inadequate to take of children especially younger children

  5. Impact of technology
    • Work load of women increased from the time ~een revolution
    • Many of the activities done by men were mechanized, but women operations remained manual increasing drudgery and fatigue
    • Women friendly and specially tailored technologies are rarely available
    • Though they are designed for women, men take over jobs side tracking women.

  6. Development bias
    • Women are mostly treated as consumers of social services rather than producers
    • Due to limited control over productive roles, women suffer from statistical paradah

  7. Access to land
    • Lack of owner ship, leading to ..
    • Lack of access to credit, leading to ..
    • Insecure tenancy, leading to ..
    • Limited or smaller and less productive plots, leading to
    • Lack of production planning leading to..

  8. Access to credit
    • Low access to institutional credit due to untitled ownership
    • Discrimination and hesitation shown by rural credit institutions on the risk bearing role of women

  9. Access to market
    • Women engaged in farm activities are usually producing smaller quantities, due to which they are unable to utilize market boards and cooperatives
    • Local or middle men marketing is limiting their barging power.

  10. Access to extension activities
    • Due to gender inequality women are rarely involved in extension demonstrations and other activities, thus depriving from updated technology.
    • Inadequate access to TV programmes due to routine domestic activities

  11. Women Education
    • Being mostly illiterates, unable to utilize written information
    • Vocational education in exclusively for women as yet at preliminary stage.

  12. Training and capacity building
    • Due to low skill efficiency women are many a times are thrown into unorganized sector, thus resulting in low payment of wages
    • Much attention is not given earlier to conduct skill training for the exclusive operation attended by women
Last modified: Tuesday, 3 July 2012, 10:42 AM