Reduce the exposure to indoor air pollutants

Lesson 22: Role of individuals in conservation of natural resources

Reduce the exposure to indoor air pollutants

  1. Install air to air heat exchangers/ventilate the house by opening windows.
  2. Don’t buy furniture and other products containing formaldehyde.
  3. Reduce indoor levels of formaldehyde and other tonic gases by growing certain house plants.
  4. Remove footwear before entering the house.

Saving water

  1. Insert a toilet dam in existing toilets to reduce the amount of water used per flush.
  2. Install water saving toilets which use no more than 6lts per flush.
  3. Check frequently for water leaks in toilets and pipes and repair them promptly.
  4. Turn off sink faucets while brushing teeth, shaving or washing.
  5. Wash only full loads of clothes.
  6. Use automatic dishwashers.
  7. Reduce evaporation losses by watering lawns and gardens in the early morning or evening.
  8. Use drip irrigation and much for gardens and flower beds.
Last modified: Tuesday, 3 January 2012, 6:28 AM