Significance Of Flowers

Flower Arrangement

Lesson 01 : The History Of Floral Design

Significance Of Flowers

All over the world flowers are an essential part of festival celebration, people give each other the gift of flowers. In the middle ages makes in addition to planting medicinal herbs and vegetables within the monastery walls also grow flower to decorate their alters at this time. Wild roses, carnations, lilies, irises, garden peonics, violets poppies, periwinkles pansies and columbines were especially appreciated scientific interest in flower was given new importance in the 15th century.

So it was the Buddhists who started the flower arrangement in the temple. Later the Japanese followed this in every home. The most popular flower arrangement of Japanese is Ikebana.
Flower arrangement is the art of arrangement of the flower receptacle (container) in to consumption having harmony in their forms, texture and color. Its purpose is to add cheer and beauty to life.

Although the art of arranging flowers requires no scholastic study but there are few basic principles that would be observed as general guidelines and by following them one can be sure of producing and pleasing harmonious composition. The art of arranging flowers is more question of developing an inclination.

Flowers are perhaps the most appealing of art media for unlike brush loads of color that require the true artists eye to transform these into image of beauty, flowers are individually beautiful to begin with. One can arrange and rearrange them it is a pleasure to handy. The veined leaves and delicate blooms as well as to see the completed bouquets.
Flowers bring color and life to a place and make a saddened heart smile. Think of a dozen roses, a basket full of nareisus or glaolioli, a graceful branch of plum blossoms in a china bowl, a burst of every garden variety color in one bouquet, a few branches of delicate rosellia swinging down a basket hung from the ceiling.

If you have the slightest urge to do something creative you just need to buy or pick a few flowers and place them in a container according to a few basic principles such as fine and tall at the top, bigger and round at the bottom and medium ones in between and almost at once you see the result. It will not be long before you begin to think yourself to be an artist with flowers.

The materials for beautiful bouquets are all around in the garden, in woodland and meadow, along the highway or a country road and of course, at the flower shop. Besides flowers and foliage, there are rocks and pebbles, driftwood and bark, pieces of sculpture and beautiful shells and containers that never have dreamed of holding a flower can come handy in flower arrangements and beautiful results. Remember always that flower arranging is an expressive art and if you approach it as such you will put a little of yourself into every arrangement you make, in other words the creation of an individual will automatically express his/her personality.

For more than 4000 years beautiful flowers have been an inspiration to man. In present days more people enjoy arranging flowers than ever before and have awakened to the beauty of foliage, branches, bark and plant material of any variety has became the medium of a distinctive visual art called flower arrangement. It is an creative art called flower. An arrangement is a composition. It’s a composition arrangement of flowers is subjected to certain general principles or rules that apply to any composition in any medium.

The final form of the dimensions of flower arrangement is the sum total of inspiration, creativity, composition and style.

  1. Inspiration: Is often endless as and when need something or someone to stimulate and impel us, it is the beginning of creative composition. Nature is always been the greatest source of inspiration. Flower arrangement can be inspired by the work of other artists, history, seasons and events.
  2. Creativity: Implies open thinking organizing and a different approach. A creative person is one who breaks away from convention and tries something new. In flower arrangement creativity involves challenging the rules, trying new methods of composition, trying new techniques use of new plant materials, use of different accessories, new containers use of interesting background.
  3. Composition: Is the art or practice of combining the parts of a work of art to produce harmonious whole to compose means to form by putting together to make up to arrange artistically to design and execute to place, shape, texture and color in ordered relationship. The following are helpful in selecting the materials of flower arrangement.
    1. Scale: Size of the setting that depends on size of the room, niche or space at a show. This will suggest size of the container, plant material related to scale.
    2. Function: Reason for the design of the arrangement, example: whether it is for corner, wedding, dining table, hospital arrangement etc.
    3. Compatibility: Color, texture, shape, style, lighting, quality and formality or setting all these should be compatible with each other.
    4. Design: The material should be choosing for the particular quality they offer. Example: for simple modern style similarity of container, plant material should not be of similar quality i.e., delicate, dull or rough etc.
    5. Quantity: Fewer materials give clear cut design and eliminate fussiness and feeling it is picked. It is always easier to design with too little material than too much.
    6. Container and other related objects: They need to be related in scale, color, texture, shape, quality, style and idea.

Style: The word style comes from the Latin ‘Stylus’ meaning a metal pencil for writing on wax and other tablets. It is used to describe manner of expression in many things like writing, design, art work etc. It can refer manner of construction. Example: Victoria style means that it has a distinctive character and mode of presentation. Style is not fashion. Style is referred usually for historical period. Style in flower arrangement have arrived with great rapidly and those recognized by flower arrangement

Last modified: Thursday, 22 March 2012, 10:29 AM