Conical Design

Flower Arrangement

Lesson 10 : Basic Shapes of Flower Arrangements

Conical Design

The conical design was first introduced during the Byzan tine kperiod. Foliage was arranged in containers to resemble cone-shaped trees. Flowers and fruit were often spiraled from the base of the arrangement to the top.
This conical design is also popular today. The design is often varied from its original design to appear less formal. The cone is similar in shape to the pyramids even though it is round. Cut six triangles out of poster board and glue them together. The resulting structure illustrates the basic shape of the conical design. Cone-shaped topiaries of boxwood, often used at Christ· mass, illustrate this design. The design can also be used to create table arrangements (Figure 10-13).

A low, round container is used for this design when the arrangement is to be used as a table centerpiece. Table cen­terpieces over 14 inches in height restrict visual contact across the table. Pedestaled containers give this arrangement a more dramatic look.

Last modified: Tuesday, 27 March 2012, 6:52 AM