Manager And The Family

Lesson 09 : Manager And Management By Families

Manager And The Family

The satisfaction of all family members and achievement of the family goals depend upon the home manager’s abilities and the efficiency. A Home maker while managing the house, regulates every member’s performance, there by regulating the performance of the entire family as an organized unit in the society. The Management expert, Peter Drucker said that the Manager’s performance could be measured in terms of two concepts- efficiency and effectiveness. According to him efficiency means ‘doing things right’ and effectiveness means ‘doing the right thing’. An efficient manager is one who achieves output or results that measures upto the inputs, ie, both human and material resources which are utilized to achieve them. The managers who use minimum resources to achieve the desired ends or output are called efficient managers.

In a family homemaker acts as the manager. Her performance, effectiveness and efficiency are crucial for the achievement of family goals. An efficient home maker attains the family goals, with minimum expenditure of family resources and helps the family member to grow themselves as individual efficient persons. In this process she should ensure the development, happiness and complete satisfaction of self and all members of the family.

An effective home manager selects the right resources to get the work done completely. If he/she selects the inappropriate resources, it may delay the work to be done, or delay the goals to be achieved and sometimes the resources may be wasted. Such managers are called ineffective.

Thus, the manager should perform both efficiently and effectively. The homemaker is a key resources person, where successful performance determines the extent of satisfaction and happiness for the family.

Last modified: Saturday, 24 March 2012, 10:03 AM