Objectives of fruit breeding

Objectives of fruit breeding

    The objectives of fruit breeding depends on the fruit crops, location and requirements of the consumers. The main objectives of fruit breeding is to get maximum quality production per unit area with low cost, besides tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses, The objectives are distinct and variable in respect of breeding for rootstocks and scions.
    For rootstock
    • Wide geographical adaptability
    • Easily propagated, preferably through asexual means
    • Compatibility with most of the scion cultivars having strong scion stock union and more longevity
    • Resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses
    • Induction of dwarfing without affecting the productivity of scion cultivars
    • Should possess strong root system with out brittleness e.g. EM 9 root stock of apple
    • It should be free from suckering habit
    For scion cultivars
    • Dwarf stature
    • Regular, precocious and prolific bearing per unit canopy area
    • High productivity with good quality fruits
    • Resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses
    • Attractive fruit colour with pleasant aroma
    • Suitable for processing and export
    • Good keeping and transport quality

Last modified: Thursday, 8 December 2011, 10:37 PM